Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jamestown Road
Not just any kind of music; RAP!
Approaching Richmond; iTunes BLASTING throughout the coach. Somehow still can hear the shouting OVER the very loud music. Ouch
Took Culpepper exit but stopped waaaay short in Spotsylvania. FYI

Leaving Spotsylvania

Not a moment too soon. ETA Walsingham 9:30.


A nice quiet food court would be a significant improvement unless they issue handguns to the adults on the bus very, very soon.

Circulating petition: No School for Grade 7 Tomorrow

Just saying'


Very slow progress.

No sign of the mall......yet!

Are we there yet????????

Conspicuous whining from one and all. Where's Al Roker's Dad when we need him? (famous for: don't make me stop this car and other similar quotes).
Crawwwwwwwling b-4 Quatico. Ugh
Girls singing; boys yapping; adults thirsty.
Next stop: the famous gourmet food court @ the Spotsylvania mall. Chil-Fil-A or Wendy's - tough choice.
Stuck in a bus jam at Iwo Jima; headed for the mall when it clears. Plan on a late arrival.
Bo LeJune (who's great grand dad is the namesake of Camp LeJune) just told us about the Iwo Jima memorial. Poignant.
My group that included John V., Holly, Tori & Dylan are dog tired & headed to a glorious repast @ the food court. Hmmm.
In case u r wondering; no bar at the Nat Cemetery.
Ceremony occluded; looooong trek bak to bus.
Long walk up the hill @ Arlington Cemetery but well worth the perspiration. Just made the honor guard ceremony @ Tomb of Unknowns. Awesome! Unforgettable.
Rain missed us; headed 4 Arlington. All 39 present & accounted 4.
Back to the Hauptmann Garden b-4 the rain (we hope).
Guess hitting Air & Space + Natural History b-4 3pm might be optimistic?
American History is a home run. The gift shop is too.
Really, really long lines @ American History; ugh.
Rest period @ Nat Gallery West. This is like a treasure hunt; everyone's doing well.
Sculpture garden then the Nat Gallery. So cool.


Here we are.

Wheels on the bus...

Go round and round....whatever. These kids are just soooooo original.

Capitol Building

John Jeson reports they pass a lot of lettuce there. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Ford's Theater

And the house across the street where Lincoln died. Madame Tusaud's - not so much.

White House View

While the bus idles, we view the Obama's home. Multiple snipers (really) posted on the roof. Now I've NEVER seen that before?

New Consruction

Under repair everywhere!
Fly by WH, Capitol, Washington Monument....sitting is a good thing; we have our driver's cell number. Whew.
WWII memorial - 404,800 honored. City is not tooo crowded. Kids are actually pretty well behaved; fingers crossed.
Whew, sharp eyes Bolton to the rescue.
Ooooops, who got the bus driver's cell?
Moving Vietnam Vets Memorial - quiet please.
Lincoln Memorial: 1st group picture & count. All 39; whew.
Korean War Memorial - outstanding & sad.
Chase describing Lincoln Memorial - Doric "condoms" yikes
Roosevelt Memorial so cool w/great statues.

Air Force Memorial & Pentagon

A slow drive by but definitely worth it!

Car Pool lane

Remember....3's a pool. Faster now; much, much faster. And still freakin' noisy. And, we just found out Thomas is using the sand box. Boooooooooo.

Now we're going faster....

Hopefully for the duration....


And now we're going very, very, very sloooooooooooow.

Scott's watching Sportscenter

Direct TV reception is spotty but enough to keep Mr. Bolton occupied.

Text now, photos later

Thought I could send some snaps from the phone but it looks like that' a no go. Hope someone reads this stuff my hands are getting tired.

Direct TV, Wi-Fi, DVD's?

What happened to those creaky yellow things we used to take. Gone baby gone (thank God).

Headphones required!

Rollin' on 64...

199 to 64

Noise level acceptable. Plenty of chaps including John Law Bolton.
We're off!

DC Today with Walsingham

Up at O-Dark-Thirty - can't sleep of course. Hoping for some sun, peace and quiet not necessarily in that order. Dylan says we get to pick our museum. OK - I pick Air & Space. Game on.